Pinnacleceo's Take

Experiences put to paper…

Archive for the month “June, 2010”

Is Your Culture Contagious?

Okay, it has been a while since I wrote a blog. It’s because we have been very busy launching our training series on DVD-video. More about that later. Now what I am about to ask you, you may think that maybe I should stay away a little longer until I can get all my thoughts in proper order…here goes.

Is your business, your organization contagious? Hold on, I’m not talking about what takes place every cold and flu season. I’m talking about a culture, a positive “can do” attitude that is “catchy” not only within the walls of your organization but flows through the doors and into the community. I hope we all can answer this question with a resounding YES!

So how do you know if you’re contagious? Great question. Here are a few facts that I know specifically that can help determine the severity of your symptoms.

1) You have to have it before anyone else can get it. Before you can give anybody anything, you must possess it first. It is a personal internal commitment to the cause of your organization. Contagious begins with you!

2) You can’t spread it unless you’re around others. Think about it, when you’re sick, what does the doctor tell you? “Stay away from others, don’t go anywhere!” This is quite the contrary to our contagious ordeal. You need to be around others. It is important you demonstrate this positive culture. You can take a leadership role in your culture and what you want your organization to say to the community regardless of your role or title. So go ahead, be proactive, look for the next opportunity, go beyond the expected…share it with others and it will spread!

3) Everyone will get the same thing you have. If you are truly contagious, everyone who comes in contact with you will develop similar symptoms which will turn into the same positive attitude attributes you have. In fact, you could create a completely new “catchy” culture never seen before.

4) It spreads exponentially. If you are contagious, really contagious, you will not impact the few; you will impact your entire organization! Think about this, one person going above and beyond can positively impact the entire company. Your approach cant help but catch on. Not only will those within your walls get it, those you serve will get it too. Imagine the power of everyone you serve, getting your message completely and unconditionally. There is no greater measure of success than this.

So now aren’t you glad I asked. It is my hope that everyone in your organization will become highly contagious with a “can do” culture that spreads everywhere you go and my final wish for you is that you become so contagious, your message of who you are and what you do becomes an epidemic for which there is no cure!

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