Pinnacleceo's Take

Experiences put to paper…

Archive for the month “November, 2013”

The Secret of Success Is Found in Seeking The “Right” Thing!

In the Old Testament, God asks King Solomon what is it you seek, what will you ask for? Naturally the things you think would come to mind would include riches and power, yet Solomon asks for something else…wisdom. As a result, God granted his request and he became one of the most successful kings of Bible times!

There is a personal lesson in this for me not only for the way I strive to pursue life, but also to operate my enterprise. I learned to ask for, to seek the right thing. See if you can relate to this…

Many years ago as a young salesman, I would say to myself two words “if only” these were followed by requests such as “I were more knowledgeable about” or “had more training on…”  Or “get a meeting with such and such and that would change my life” .  All these requests certainly had merit but the bottom line in the grand scheme of things is that none of these were the right request for me to be asking, for you see each of those things I described actually came to pass. I did gain more knowledge, I did acquire more training and became well versed in my speciality and I did get a meeting with such and such and yet none of these did for me what I really needed to gain and sustain success. Then one day I discovered something that changed my perspective entirely. Since that day, my processes, my approach and my attitude have become what they should be.  I learned to seek for the right thing.  Care to know what it is? Read on.

Seek for favorable opportunity. That’s it. It is my purpose that everyday I do all I can to create an opportunity to share my story with someone else and that I will be received favorably. Notice the term create.  I appreciate when opportunitiy falls into my lap, but I cannot wait for that to happen. Seek and create, not wait and see. Nothing drives business potential like repeatable favorable opportunities.

I truly believe that if you are passionate about what you offer and what you offer can improve the lives of those you serve, that the encounter with you is valuable or game changing, while not everyone will say “yes” ,more times than not the results will be in your favor (there is that word again). So, if that is the case, all you really need is countless favorable opportunities.

I like you always want the big one too, but if that is all I seek, I will miss many opportunities along the way. So here is what I want you to consider…

Structure your time to creating favorable opportunities through consistent activity. Be out there, be involved, create networks, do your homework to find where your best prospecting sources for favorable introductions are and passionately pursue them. Most importantly, always, always, ask for the chance to share your story.  I have said this many times, nothing is more rewarding than looking at your weekly and monthly appointment calendar and having it filled with favorable opportunities. This is what drives results period!

So as you close out this year, I hope you like me are preparing for next year and the years to come by planning your efforts around the right thing, that we like King Solomon will ask for and seek what will really have a positive impact not only on our enterprise, but those we serve.

May each of you find countless favorable opportunities ahead.

All the best.

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